Mortgage Prequalification

Do you Qualify?
In most cases the answer is yes!


Prequalification for Loan Application

Your Full Name

Street Address

City State Zip

Phone Number

Email Address

Purchase Price (if you are buying this home)

Estimated Value of Your Home If You Are Refinancing

Loan Amount (the amount you wish to borrow)

Will this loan be placed on your:
Primary Residence
Vacation Home
Rental Property

Please advise what state this property is located in

Your current monthly salary from all sources

Your monthly commissions or bonuses averaged for the last two years, if any.

Your total liquid assets i.e. checking, savings, stocks, bonds, IRA's, CD's, money market accounts, 401K plans, etc. that have been under your control for at least the last 90 days.

I will submit this to our In House mortgage specialist,
and he will contact you with some Info and rates shortly.

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